New Procedures + Fees for NB and Alt1 Applications -ALERT
Jan 31
Energy Code Compliance Reviews:
New Procedures + Fees for NB and Alt1 Applications
As per the DOB beginning January 13, 2014, all New Building and Alteration Type-1
applications will include a $220 review fee to reinforce compliance with
the New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC / Energy Code).
Submitting NB and Alt- 1 Applications for Energy Code Review
- An additional set of drawings must be included with the application. If an
- additional set is not provided, the submission will not be processed.
- Energy Code review will be performed concurrently with the review for NYC
- Building Code and Zoning Resolution compliance.
- Objections for non-compliance with the Energy Code will be issued in
- conjunction with other objections and must be resolved prior to approval.
Alteration Type-2 and Type-3 projects that are subject to the NYCECC will continue to
be subject to an Energy Code review by random audit.
For more Energy Code information, including documentation requirements for
compliance and typical objections, please visit the Energy Code Guidelines page
under the Codes & Reference section of the Department’s website.