DOT – Are you ready for Superbowl 2014 In NYC
Jan 06
Construction Embargoes A friendly reminder to our fellow filing reps that the DOT has issued the following construction embargoes for NYC Superbowl 2014! Please share this with other respected industry professionals. The following is as per the DOT website: DOT imposes construction embargoes during significant special events, including the New York City Marathon, parades, and for the winter holiday season. During embargoes, all active permits in the affected area(s) are suspended and no new permits may be approved, unless a waiver for the work is granted by DOT.Read more about embargoes in the Street Works Manual 2014 NFL Super Bowl XLVIII Construction Embargo 2014 NFL Super Bowl XLVIII Construction Embargo A Special Event Construction embargo is in effect for the NFL Super Bowl XLVIII. During the dates and locations noted below only emergency work (this includes utility manhole openings) may be performed provided an emergency number is received from the New York City Department of Transportation. Any non-emergency permits issued prior to the date of this notice, are hereby suspended for the dates and locations noted below. Please note that this embargo only applies to NYCDOT construction permits. There will be strict enforcement of this embargo and violators are subject to be summonsed. All permittees must comply with this embargo unless a special waiver is granted by the Office of Special Events and/or OCMC. Waiver requests must be filed by December 31, 2013 with Office of Special Events ( by filing a “Request for Waiver of Special Event Construction Embargo” and submitting supporting documentation. Waiver requests should only be submitted for critical reasons for a specific project. Waiver request forms may be obtained at any Permit Office or on the Department’s website at: Prior to this embargo period all necessary measures must be taken so that all roadways and sidewalks are in proper condition to allow for the expeditious and safe movement of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. See map. The embargoed dates and locations are as follows: I. Super Bowl Boulevard Area Date(s): 12:01 AM, Wednesday, January 15 through 11:59 PM, Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Manhattan Location(s): Area bounded by; 48th Street on the North, 31st Street on the South, 6th Avenue/Broadway on the East, 8th Avenue on the West, All inclusive Area...
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